I had to do a lot of research to find out inactive users in Dynamics 365
Online based on the login date. Thought to share it as it might save a
lot of time and license cost as well.
Download this specific version of XRM toolbox.
This versoin has got something called User Audit Viewer. Kudos to the author. He did a great effort. This is a very useful functionality
Downloaded folder would have an exe called XrmToolBox. Just double click on it to open.

Please note the search box and the install button highlighted. Click on the install button after searching for audit viewer and selecting the same. Screen shot is given below.

After installation, you could see a tab called 'Plugins' . Search for User audit Viewer and click on it.
A pop up appears. So click yes button here.

And then click on the New connection.
Now mine was a Dynamics 365 CRM online version. So the normal connection ( organisation url) stirng didnt work. So I had to choose the connection string option highlighed below.
The format I had used is given below.
AuthType=Office365;Url=https://youronlinecrmurl.com; Username=yourcrmonlineusername; Password=yourpassword;RequireNewInstance=True;
Once connected, its easy peasy lemon squeesy. Please note the Inactive users button. Just click on this button and the tool would retrieve inactive users.
A pop up appears and we get the option to choose the inactive from time period as well. Please note the Export to Excel button. If you click on it , it would export the inactive users.
For instance, Inactive users from the past 1 Month.
Sample Report is given below.

Download this specific version of XRM toolbox.
This versoin has got something called User Audit Viewer. Kudos to the author. He did a great effort. This is a very useful functionality
Downloaded folder would have an exe called XrmToolBox. Just double click on it to open.
After installation, you could see a tab called 'Plugins' . Search for User audit Viewer and click on it.
A pop up appears. So click yes button here.
And then click on the New connection.
Now mine was a Dynamics 365 CRM online version. So the normal connection ( organisation url) stirng didnt work. So I had to choose the connection string option highlighed below.
The format I had used is given below.
AuthType=Office365;Url=https://youronlinecrmurl.com; Username=yourcrmonlineusername; Password=yourpassword;RequireNewInstance=True;
Once connected, its easy peasy lemon squeesy. Please note the Inactive users button. Just click on this button and the tool would retrieve inactive users.
A pop up appears and we get the option to choose the inactive from time period as well. Please note the Export to Excel button. If you click on it , it would export the inactive users.
For instance, Inactive users from the past 1 Month.
Sample Report is given below.
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