Wednesday 26 December 2018

Could not find a part of the path '...\bin\roslyn\csc.exe' error

I was trying some Microsoft Azure bot samples. After compiling there were no errors. So tried to run it locally. But ended up with the below error

could not find a part of the path '..\bin\roslyn\csc.exe' error

After some research I tried installing  a NuGet package called 'Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.BinFix'

And then rebuilt the whole solution.

Local version worked like a charm !

Sunday 16 December 2018

Cool features of OneNote

I have been using Microsoft OneNote for a while. Recently found some cool features. Believe it or not. But you could 

  • Copy texts from the image ( Scenario- You got a picture with some texts you want to copy)

Copied Text:

Dynamics 365 


Organization Insights 

11/26/2018 4:00 PM 


Organization Insights Dashboard 

Total Active Users 







11/26/2018 11:00 AM 

11/26/2018 10:00 AM 

Total API Calls 


Total Operations 

11/26/2018 9:00 PM 


API Success Rate 


11/27/2018 2:00 AM 

— Deletes 

11/27/2018 10:00 AM 

Plug-in Executions 


11/27/2018 7:00 AM 

— Creates 

— Reads 

— Updates 

  •  Search a text in the image pasted in OneNote
 Lets say you have got an image in OneNote. Just do a normal search in OneNote and then it would even try that search on the image. If its found it would be highlighted as shown below.

Organisational Insights solution - Dynamics 365

Recently we tried the organisational insights solution for Dynamics 365 CRM online. And I have to say that its really cool. The dashboard is very useful one. It has details like API calls , success rate, plugin executions etc. The sample screen shot is from one of our test enviroments. You could easily find it from the Dynamics Market Place. Once installed it would list under the settings area.